To search for opportunities using different criteria, you need to use the searchParams query parameter which take a URL encoded JSON object supporting the following properties
Name | Opportunity name to search for |
isDeleted | Set to true if searching for deleted contacts |
statuses | Array of opportunity statuses |
lastUpdated | Search by last updated date. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format |
transactionType | The type of transaction |
user | CA number of the agent |
createdOn | Search by created date. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format |
confirmedSettlementDate | Search by settlement date |
interestOnlyExpiry | Search by interest only expiry date |
fixedRateExpiry | Search by fixed rate expiry date |
Search opportunity by name
For example, to search for opportunities by name construct a JSON object as follows:
{ "name":"Test"}
NOTE: the search string can be the exact opportunity name or part of it
The GET request looks like this:{token}/opportunities?search&searchParams=%7B%0A%09%22name%22%3A%22Test%22%0A%7D
Search deleted opportunities
For example, to search for a deleted opportunities with the string "Test" in the opportunity name, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "name":"Test", "isDeleted":true}
The GET request looks like this:{token}/opportunities?search&searchParams=%7B%0A%09%22name%22%3A%22Test%22%2C%0A%09%22isDeleted%22%3Atrue%0A%7D
Search for opportunities modified after a given date
For example, to search for opportunities modified after the 20th March 2017, and having the string "Test" in the name, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "name":"Test", "lastUpdated":"2017-03-20"}
The GET request looks like this:{token}/opportunities?search&searchParams=%7B%0A%09%22name%22%3A%22Test%22%2C%0A%09%22lastUpdated%22%3A%222017-03-20%22%0A%7D
Search by opportunity status
For example, to search for opportunities in Appointed, Open, Unconditional or Lodged statuses, and modified after the 20th March 2017, and having the string "Test" in the name, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "name":"Test", "lastUpdated":"2017-03-20" "statuses": ["Appointed","Open","Unconditional","Lodged"]}
The GET request looks like this:{token}/opportunities?search&searchParams=%0A%7B%0A%09%22name%22%3A%22Test%22%2C%0A%09%22lastUpdated%22%3A%222017-03-20%22%0A%09%22statuses%22%3A%20%5B%22Appointed%22%2C%22Open%22%2C%22Unconditional%22%2C%22Lodged%22%5D%0A%7D%0A
Search by transaction type
For example, to search for opportunities with the transactionType of Loan, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "transactionType":"Loan"}
The GET request looks like this:{token}/opportunities?search&searchParams=%7B%0A%09%22transactionType%22%3A%22Loan%22%0A%7D
Search by agent
For example, to search for opportunities where agent is CA53414, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "user":"CA53414"}
The GET request looks like this:{token}/opportunities?search&searchParams=%7B%0A%09%22user%22%3A%22CA53414%22%0A%7D
Search by settlement date
For example, to search for opportunities having settlement date as 05 April 2017 or later, construct the JSON object as follows:
} "confirmedSettlementDate":"2017-04-05/"}
Search by fixed rate expiry date
For example, to search for opportunities having fixed rate expiry date as 05 April 2017 or later, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "fixedRateExpiry":"2017-04-05/"}
Search by interest only expiry date
For example, to search for opportunities having interest only expiry date as 05 April 2017 or later, construct the JSON object as follows:
{ "interestOnlyExpiry":"2017-04-05/"}