Mercury API FAQs
Updated over a week ago

Is there a UAT or Sandbox for the Mercury API?

Currently there is no UAT or Sandbox API environment available for testing.

What authentication methods does the API support?

We only support basic authentication using security API tokens.

Can I use API with a Virtual Branch?

Yes. The API Key is the same for all branches at the group but each branch has it's own unique API Token. To find out the branch token you must login as a Mercury account which is a member of that branch which also has Partner Level access.

What if the field I want to use does not have an endpoint?

Not all Person and Opportunity fields currently have endpoints. If you want a new field made available, request this via the Ideas Portal. When updates are made these requests will all be taken into consideration.

Is the Connective Products data available via API?

No. Currently the Connective Products database is not available via the Public API. You can only integrate with Person and Opportunity records.

How do I upload documents using the API

You can upload documents against an opportunity by emailing to the opportunity's mercury inbox email Id (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE).

Is there a front end I can use to view the opportunities and contacts created via API?

Yes. To view the records, you can login to Nexus via the standard login page.

Is the API free? Are there any limits to how many requests I can make

Yes. The current version for the API is free for the Connective members.

There are limits to the number of API calls that can be made:

The max requests per second is limited to 60

The daily quota of requests is limited to 40000 requests

Note: If you have specific needs for which you need additional request quota, please contact us via [email protected]

Is there a Client SDK I can download to get started with the API straight away?

Yes. Download the swagger latest definition from Swagger File and then copy-paste it into the Swagger Editor. Use the Generate Client button on the Swagger Editor to download the client SDK in a language of your choice. Swagger Editor provides SDK generation for about 38 different languages.

How do I link contacts with opportunities via the API?

To link Contact records with Opportunity records, use one of the below methods.

  1. If you already have a contact created in mercury and want to link it with a new opportunity then, do a POST to the opportunity endpoint and in the body make sure you have the related parties nested object and the "personId" contains the unique id of the Contact you want to link:

    { "opportunityName": "My Opportunity", "amount": 0, "lender": "NAB", "lenderNameShort": "NAB", "status": "Pre Approval", "agent": "CA54205", "personActing": "CA54207", "personResponsible": "CA54206", "relatedParties": [ { "personID": "711e7da5-38c1-4884-9319-1e470e40d6fc", "relationship": "Adviser" } ]}
  2. If you already have an Opportunity and want to link an existing contact to it then, do a POST to the related parties endpoint, where the "personId" contains the unique id of the Contact you want to link

{  "personID":"692cc6aa-14e2-11e7-a0a2-00155d009933", "relationship":"Primary applicant"}

How do I create a Company contact record?

In the Contact Post payload use the following string instead of a null value.

"contactType": "company",

How do I set the email when creating a new contact via API?

You need to pass a nested contactMethod object to set the email when creating a new contact.

{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "middleName": "M", "salutation": "John", "contactMethods": [ { "contactMethod":"Email 1", "content":"[email protected]" } ]}

How do I add phone numbers when creating a new contact via API?

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