Nexus Notes FAQ
Updated over a week ago

Note fields are available in the following locations in Nexus:

Opportunity records

Person records

Email signatures


Q. Which html text editor is used in Nexus?

A. Nexus is using the Froala html editor

Q. What is the maximum size note allowed in Nexus?

A. The size is measured in html characters. For a general note the maximum size is 128,000 characters. For an Email note it is 66,000 characters.

Q. How can I view the html code for a note?

A. Use the text editor menu. Code View is available under the last menu item.

Q. If I delete a note in error, can it be restored?

A. Yes you can access the Recycle Bin in the Admin App and restore notes.

Q. Can I copy and paste into a note?

A. Yes but it's important to note that when you copy and paste from other html applications such as Outlook you will also be pasting in a large amount of unnessasary html code. You may hit the maximum character count because of this.

Q. The images in the email I have forwarded into an opportunity note are not displayed?

A. This indicates that Nexus either cannot read the image html location or does not have access to that location. Similar to images in your html email signature the images require accessible urls. These can be viewed in the html itself.

If the image is important, please add into the attachments of the note.

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