Cloning an Existing Opportunity
Updated over a week ago

With Mercury Nexus you can clone opportunity records, allowing for the quick and easy replication of records without the need for double data entry.

What information can I clone?

When cloning an opportunity, the following information will be copied:

  • Details - information included in the General, Product and Security and Settlement details is duplicated.

  • Any linked People records (contacts).

  • Information stored under Financials.

How do I clone an opportunity?

To Clone your Opportunity:

  1. Open the CRM app.

  2. Select Opportunities from the left-hand menu.

  3. Open the opportunity you want to clone.

  4. Navigate to Clone in the top menu. The default opportunity name is CLONE + opportunity name, but this can be edited if need be.

  5. Click Clone.

Can you merge opportunity records together?

Unfortunately, It is not possible for Mercury to determine which information is to be kept and which is to be deleted, therefore the merging of opportunities must be done manually.

You will need to select one opportunity and then copy all of the required information across, then delete the other opportunity record.

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