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Master Questionnaire template
Updated over a year ago

Questionnaires provide an efficient way to collect data from clients. To make it easier Mercury Nexus comes preloaded with a Master template questionnaire that you can use or customise.

How do I customise the Master questionnaire template?

You cannot edit the Master template questionnaire directly. You will first need to make a copy. To do this:

  1. Open the Admin app and select CRM Settings from the main left-hand menu.

  2. Click on Questionnaires in the top menu.

  3. Highlight the questionnaire and click the Clone button.

  4. Edit the questionnaire Name. If you are creating your own version of the Needs Analysis, you need to include the words Needs Analysis in order for the Preliminary Assessment merge template to include the questions.

  5. Include any relevant details about the questionnaire in the Details

  6. Make the required changes to Modules. Each module name represents a page within a questionnaire. Make the required changes to Questions. Each question represents a question on that page.

  7. Click on Preview at any time to preview what you have created.

  8. Your changes will be saved automatically as you go.

  9. Tick Active to make the Questionnaire available to users.

  10. Close the tab to exit the Questionnaire.

Note. You will need to log out of Mercury Nexus for the change to take effect.

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