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Commissions report
Updated over 5 months ago

The Commissions Report allows you to keep track of your trail and upfront values, your current portfolio value, discharges and arrears. This report gives you complete oversight of where your commissions are coming from and any areas to be wary of.

The data for this report is compiled from commissions data and requires Commissions permissions to view.

1. Commissions

The Commissions dashboard shows you a month-by-month comparison of your trail and up front commissions. Below, you can also see a year-on-year comparison.

On the right hand side you can see commission paid by broker. Please note this is calculated by commissions paid to the partner group for applications submitted by that broker, not on individual broker payments.

You can also see commission paid by each lender.

2. Commissions data table

Summary data table of all commissions so you can refer to all your commissions from the Analytics app dashboard.

3. Commission by Loan Account

Analyse the total amount earnt from each loan account. You can see the lender, broker, settlement date, settlement amount, upfront, trail and total for each loan.

4. Portfolio Value

See how your book is performing month-on-month by lender and by broker. This dashboard displays the balance on loans under your management.

5. Discharges

The dashboard will show you discharges and discharge rate by month, by broker and by lender.

Please note: Based on a discharge date being listed on Commission Statements. Does not account for refinancing.

6. Discharge data

Summary data table of all discharges so you can refer to all discharges from the Analytics app dashboard.

7. Arrears

The dashboard will show you arrears by month, by broker and by lender.

Please note: This is based on the Lender Commission Statement.

8. Arrears data

Summary data table of all arrears so you can refer to all arrears from the Analytics app dashboard.

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