Trail Variation Report
Updated over a week ago

The Trail Variation report highlights any payments that have decreased or increased by a defined threshold.

To generate a Trail Variation Report:

  1. Go to the Commissions App and select Trail Variation:

  2. Set the parameters of your search (Target month and Tolerance)

    • The Tolerance is the threshold at which you want to see the variance. For example, by selecting a 30% tolerance the report will display any trail that has reduced by more than 30% from the previous month.

    • The Target month is the month for which the trail commission was paid.

  3. The relevant Loan Accounts will automatically populate

  4. Select the loan account and view the variations listed on the right


If you identify a variance in your trail that you do not understand or believe is an error, please ensure you have read this article: Missing or Reduced Trail Commissions | Connective Wiki

If you need assistance after that you can submit a Commission Enquiry.

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