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Connective Credit Representatives
Apply Online Compliance Documents - Supporting Docs Tab
Apply Online Compliance Documents - Supporting Docs Tab
Updated over a week ago

We have made some key changes to the way we support our credit representatives in order to maintain a better compliance process.

What are the changes?

We have added a new Compliance Checklist on the Supporting Documents tab for each application in ApplyOnline. The purpose of this checklist is to ensure you have completed and generated the minimum required NCCP documents and have uploaded them to ApplyOnline. These requirements are mandatory for Connective Credit Representatives.

These are:

  • Connective Credit Representative Credit Guide

  • Preliminary Assessment

  • Credit Proposal Disclosure

Compliance Checklist in the Supporting Documents section


Being compliant has never been so easy! Let’s break it down in steps.

Step 1

Once you have generated and completed these compliance documents in Mercury, save a copy of these documents to your desktop. You will still be required to hold these documents in Mercury under the opportunity.

Step 2

You’re now ready to submit the application in ApplyOnline. Upload the compliance documents to the compliance checklist tab. Remember, you will only need to upload the completed Credit Guide, Preliminary Assessment and Credit Proposal Disclosure documents.

Note: you can drop and drag!

Step 3

Your application will not proceed if you have not uploaded the minimum required NCCP documents. You will see the following error message to let you know you will need to complete this task.


Step 4

Lenders that do not support Supporting Docs in ApplyOnline (e.g: Adelaide Bank) will have the following message displayed:


You will receive the following message for these Lenders.

The current Lender does not offer Supporting Docs. You can upload documents to the Supporting Documents Folder as part of your compliance records.

Please note these documents are not sent to the Lender.

Remember, if you have any questions or require assistance with this new process, your Compliance Support Manager and Partnership Manager are ready to help. Simply click the help icon in Mercury to get in touch.

You can also see the process in action by watching the short webinar below.

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