As a credit representative of Connective you are required to adhere to our privacy policy and requirements. Our privacy policy wording can be found here: Privacy Statement and Policy.
About the Privacy Act
The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 was released on 12 March which amends the Privacy Act 1988. This amendment will affect every business, company, and individual across Australia. As we all know when legislation is amended or a new Act is announced there may be small or significant changes we need to make to the way we do business. These are important things that we need to take into consideration when dealing with our customer information.
What are these changes I need to know about?
The Privacy Amendment Act will see a new set of privacy principles that will regulate the handling of personal information by government agencies and businesses. These new principles are called the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) and will replace the existing Information Privacy Principles that currently apply to government and the National Privacy Principles (NPP) that currently apply to businesses.
What Privacy resources do I need?
A full Privacy Policy should be available to your clients on request or a link to be included on your website or social media. Refer Websites or Social Media.
Email signatures should contain a condensed version of the Privacy Policy especially if you are using email as a marketing tool to advertise. Refer Email signature.
Links to the OAIC website on Privacy:
The way you manage your clients personal and private information is an important part of your business. For all advertising, email, Websites and Social Media your client should be able to read how you will secure their personal information.
Changes derived from the new Banking Code of Practice.
In response to the Australian Banking Association’s (ABA) new Banking Code of Practice Connective have updated their privacy policy to include sensitive information. A copy of which can be found on the WIKI under ‘Privacy Policy’.
For more guidance on Privacy Statements and Policy please refer to: