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Removing Payee Splits
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Once Payee Commission Splits are applied, they remain in place until commissions cease or they are manually removed/updated. This article explains how to remove Payee Splits.

Removing Payee Splits applied via Manual Commission Splitting

Where commission splits have been applied to a loan account and the payee is set up for manual allocation, the splits will need to be manually removed on each loan via the loan account section of the commissions app:

Removing Payee Splits applied via Automatic Commission Splitting

Where the payee splits have been applied automatically based on the loan writer that the payee is linked to, they can be removed depending on the below scenarios ;

If all commission splits for the payee are to be removed

Change the splitting method to manual allocation via the Manage payee section in Mercury and complete the above steps mentioned to remove manual payee splits

If commission splits are to be removed for selected loans

If splits are to be removed only on a select of number of loans, the payee needs to remain linked to the loan account and the percentage needs to be manually reduced to zero on the relevant loan account.

This method is required as automatic splits are always calculated and applied to all loans belonging to the payee, therefore any splits that are removed will be recreated. Setting the split the zero will prevent this from happening.

Deleting Payee Record

It is not currently possible to delete payee records in Mercury Nexus, however you can now make them inactive.

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