While the Doc Centre allows your clients to upload documents directly into Mercury Nexus, we’ve built a failsafe that allows you to review, accept or reject documents before adding them to an opportunity.
How do I know my clients have uploaded documents into Mercury Nexus?
Submission Rules for the Document Request
If only a document request exists in the Client Centre, at least one document must be uploaded before the Submit button is enabled.
If a document request and “Documents Shared With You” exist, at least one document must be uploaded before submission is allowed.
If the Client Centre includes other sections (e.g., Financials, Personal Details, etc.), submission will only be enabled once all sections are complete and at least one document is uploaded.
Once your client has finished uploading their documents, they click the Document Upload checkbox and press Submit. This will send you an email indicating that they that they have completed the request. This will not disable access and your clients can continue to upload documents until the expiry date is reached.
Client Access to Other Clients' Documents
Clicking on the document request card will only display the client’s own document requests.
Clients cannot see or have the abillity to upload documents for other applicants in the opportunity.
Note: Microsoft Excel files (xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv) which have been uploaded in a Document Request cannot be previewed in Nexus. In order to view the uploaded Excel file click the Download button.
Special characters in document name will prevent the document from being used and an error will be displayed when trying to preview the document.
Examples of special characters (,|\/*)%#
Zip files are currently unsupported.
How to accept or reject documents?
You can accept your documents and attach them to the Opportunity as follows:
Open the CRM and select Doc Centre from the main left-hand menu.
Highlight and open the relevant request.
Navigate to the Approve Documents tab where you can view a full list of documents and preview in the right-hand panel. Highlight the relevant document and use the Approve and Reject buttons.
If you select Approve the Import to attachments window will open. Select a file name or create your own and click Approve.
The document will now appear on the opportunity under the Attachments tab
Note: If the status of the Document Request is COMPLETE it will lock the request for editing. Change the status to IN PROGRESS
If you are presented with an error attempting to approve a document ensure you are in the same branch as the opportunity record.