How to convert a Document to PDF
Updated over a week ago

PDFs are one of the most trusted document formats. Not only do they work on any operating system and provide a higher level of security, but they also reduce the size of a file making it easier for you to share documents.

Mercury Nexus saves you the hassle of using a third-party provider to create PDFs by allowing you to convert them in the platform.

How to convert a document to PDF?

You can convert a document to PDF via the Opportunities, Company or People records. To do this:

  1. Open the CRM app and select either People, Companies or Opportunities from the main left-hand menu.

  2. Highlight and open the relevant record.

  3. Select Attachments from the sub left-hand menu.

  4. Highlight the document you want to turn into a PDF.

  5. Click the Generate as a PDF button.

  6. The PDF will appear in the list of documents with the same file name .PDF. The original will also remain in the attachments tab.

  7. To rename the file, use the title bar at the top of the preview bar on the right

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