Your Guide to ProfileMe
Updated over a week ago

What is behavioural profiling?

Our behavioural characteristics begin to develop from a very young age. Completely influenced by our parents, school and life experiences as we get older, these character traits are well defined by the time we reach adulthood. These traits form the foundation of our individuality, known as our natural character profile. We feel most comfortable and least stressed the more we function within our natural profile.

Behavioural profiling is a way to assess a person’s likelihood of success in a role. It profiles an individual’s character traits against those that make a successful sales person. This significantly increases the potential of that person being successful in that environment. More importantly, it highlights less suitable profiles that may get through an interview process, only to fail later.


Connective undertook extensive research to understand the key attributes of brokers who are more likely to be successful, particularly within their first two years of broking. Three key attributes stood out:


While not all three attributes are essential the more a broker possesses the greater their probability of succeeding. With the first 12–24 months arguably the most challenging, generating new business to create cash flow for business survival places the most critical reliance on the Sales attribute.

It is for this reason ProfileMe seeks to identify all three traits with a particularly strong emphasis on business development. ProfileMe is based on a well known psychometric theory called DISC which centres on four different behavioural characteristics; Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. All profiles have a mixture of the four primary DISC qualities to a greater or lesser degree, however, each profile has a lead primary quality that predominately drives behaviour. This is covered in more detail later.

Sales Animals

We have also identified a number of Animals that correlate most closely with the profiles of successful brokers who are generating their own lead sources and rely on commissions as their primary source of income.

Please note ProfileMe should be used as a guide only to help make a more informed recruitment decision. It is important to bear in mind that each broker role is different and will be influenced by other factors in your business such as culture, size and profile of customer base as well as skillset and profiles of other team members. This means you will need to carefully consider which profile best suits your role.


Personal Characteristics


The Three Profiles of DISC


Interpretation of Graphs

These three profiles should be considered to see how an individual’s profile might change in a work environment or when they are under pressure.

Look at the three graphs and find the difference between the lowest S and the highest S. An “S” Movement of three points or more indicates potential frustration, problems or stress.


An “I” Movement of 2 points or more indicates that the stress is Likely to be work related.

An “I” movement of 2 points or less indicates that the stress is Likely to be personal or emotional.

In this example the "I" movement of five points indicates the stress in the profile is likely to be work related.


Please remember ProfileMe is designed to add further insights to strengthen your recruitment process and should be used as a guide only. Each business has their own unique needs and expectations which should be considered in conjunction with ProfileMe and any other relevant influencing factors to help make a more informed recruitment decision.

To download a copy of the Guide please click on the link below:

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