How to create an email template
Updated over a week ago

Creating an email template in your Digital Marketing Hub is super simple. Follow the steps below to create a basic template to send to your contacts. This example is a client's birthday email.

  1. Click on the Campaigns tab in the left-hand side menu.

  2. Click on the Manage Templates button and then the orange New Template tab at the top right-hand corner.

  3. Name your template and select Newsletter.


  4. You'll now create a header, signature, footer and disclaimer using personalisation tags. Add a header that will include your business logo (e.g. %logo%, %firstname% etc).

    Let's start with the header:

    • Click, drag and drop the Text block onto the template as outlined in the below video.

    • Click on the text block that you just added and type %logo% then align it to where you'd like it using the edit toolbar (located above the text block). We have centred it in this example.
      The logo (and any other personalisation tags) will appear when you send the campaign.


  5. Now add your signature, personal footer and disclaimer using the below personalisation tags and steps outlined in step 4:

    • %signature%

    • %brand_footer%

    • %disclaimer%

    These three items and the business logo have been configured during your account set-up, so your individual details will pull through when the email campaign is sent. You can view how it will appear by sending yourself a test email (see Hub Spotlight Video - Sending an email).

  6. To add text, images and buttons (call-to-action buttons such as 'click here' or 'book an appointment'), use the content blocks on the right-hand side to drag, drop and edit your template.


  7. You can personalise your text by clicking on the Personalize button. Here you can choose to pull in your client's personal details or type in the desired personalisation tags yourself as demonstrated below.


  8. To insert a picture, click on the default image and the New image icon.


  9. You can either:

    • select an existing image in the 'Image Manager' (also known as your image library); or

    • add a new image by clicking the Add new image button at the top right-hand corner and select an image you have saved on your computer, then click open. Once it's uploaded into your image library, you can insert it to appear in the email.


  10. Once you are happy with your template click on Save and Exit at the top right-hand corner.


  11. Now you are ready to send this template as an email campaign. To do this, refer to our article 'Hub spotlight Video - sending an email campaign'

    Top tips

    • Padding: We recommend that you add padding to each block. Click on the block and to the right hand side edit the padding.
      Logo – all sides 10
      Text – custom 30, 0, 30, 30
      Signature - custom 0, 20, 30, 30
      Disclaimer - all sides 10

    • Template size: We recommend that you change the width of your template from the preset size of 650 to 600. To do this, edit the size in the top toolbar.

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