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Managing Tasks in the CRM

This article provides a guide on managing tasks in the CRM. It covers creating, viewing, delegating, and bulk assigning tasks.

Updated over 2 months ago

You’ve spent countless hours refining your sales process and you know what works. So the last thing you want is a member of your team dropping the ball. Tasks are a useful way to manage the various steps in the loan process. A Task can be created against an Opportunity or Person record in your CRM, and assigned to any Mercury Nexus user.

How do I Create a Task in the CRM?

To create a task in the CRM for yourself or another Mercury user (delegate):

  1. In the CRM app, open either an Opportunity or People record.

  2. Navigate to Tasks in the sub left-hand menu.

  3. Click the +Add button.

  4. Fill in the task details:

    • Subject

    • Choose the appropriate option from the Task Type drop-down menu

    • Delegate - the delegate will have this task appear in their own CRM, in the Tasks section. The task will also appear on the delegate's dashboard on the due date

    • Owner

    • Due Date (must be specified for task to be shown in task list)

    • Start Time and End Time (Select from times listed in 30 min increments)

    • Task Priority (Urgent, High, Medium, Low, Very Low, No Priority (Default))

    • Add attachments if required

    • Task notes and details

The task will now appear in the Task section of both the Person and Opportunity record.

Note: Allocating and managing or viewing tasks for other delegates within your partner group requires Admin user privileges. Please reach out to the principal owner of your group or someone with partner-level permissions to grant you the necessary access.

Note: A due date must be specified otherwise the task will not be visible in the task list.

​How do I View Tasks?

To view tasks in the CRM for yourself or another Mercury user (delegate):

  1. In the CRM, select Tasks in the left-hand menu.

  2. Search for tasks using the following criteria:

    • Use the Delegate drop-down menu to view your tasks, or another user's tasks.

    • Select Completed to view completed tasks.

    • Select Outstanding to view outstanding tasks.

    • Filter or sort on Task Priority

  3. Double-click to edit a task and it will open in a new tab. All task details can be edited from here. Attachments can be added from the attachment tab.

Note: Overdue tasks are highlighted in red and will only be visible on the Dashboard two weeks from the current date. Overdue tasks older than three years will be automatically archived and will not display in Mercury Nexus.

Note: Each task’s priority is visually represented by a coloured label, making it easy to identify the urgency of tasks at a glance. For example, "Urgent" tasks are highlighted in red, while "Medium" tasks appear in green.

Note: If expected tasks are not visible try resetting the view filters on the left hand side.

How do I Delete Tasks?

To delete a single or multiple tasks in the CRM, you can either use the CRM's Task table to view all the tasks across all opportunities, or from within each opportunity where you can click on the Tasks tab on the left panel:

  1. In the CRM Task table, select the Tasks you want to delete by clicking on the row.

  2. To select more than one tasks to delete, hold the "Ctrl" key (PC) or "Cmd(command)" on Mac to click and select all the tasks you want to delete.

    1. Alternatively, you can click on the first row, hold the "Shift" key and click on the last row to select the whole range.

  3. Once selected, click on the "Delete" icon on the top of the table to delete all the tasks at once.

Red Opportunity names in the Opportunity list

Opportunity record names in your main Opportunity list will appear in red text if they have overdue tasks assigned to them. Once all overdue tasks are marked as completed the Opportunity name will change from red back to blue.

Marking Tasks as Completed from the list view

There is a column on the list page as "Status". This column shows the current status of the task you are viewing on the table.

Checking the checkbox means you marked the task as completed. This makes the task disappear from this list on the next load, but completed tasks can be viewed by clicking on the "Completed" toggle above the filter section.

Removing the check from the checkbox in the status column marks the task as outstanding.

How to add Tasks to your external Calendar

Click the Add to Calendar drop down, you can import your tasks directly into your favorite calendar app:

  • Two options: Download an iCalendar (.ics) file for any calendar (Outlook, Apple Calendar, etc.), or add it directly to Google Calendar in your browser.

  • Automatically includes task details like title, Start & End times, and due date.

  • Tasks without a Start or End time will be added as all-day events, keeping your calendar clutter-free.

Note: Information on how to create Task Templates for Automations can be found here.

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