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Setting up auto actions
Updated this week

Important Note: We have updated various fields and labels to ensure you have a consistent experience in Mercury Nexus. Instead of individually referring to roles as Agent, Advisor, Loan Writer, and Associate, we will now universally use the term "Broker." This change will simplify your interactions across Mercury Nexus.

Mercury Nexus streamlines your sales process by automating repetitive administration tasks.

How do I customise auto actions?

  1. Open the Admin app select CRM Settings from the main left-hand menu.

  2. Navigate to Auto-Actions in the top menu.

  3. Choose the Opportunity Type from the drop-down box.

  4. Existing Auto Actions will be displayed under each Status. The checkbox indicates whether the Auto-Action is active. The checkbox indicates whether the Auto-Action is active.

  5. Highlight the Auto-Action to preview it in the right-hand panel.

  6. Make the relevant changes. Once you are satisfied check the Active box.

How do I create a new Auto-Action?

  1. Open the Admin app select CRM Settings from the main left-hand menu.

  2. Navigate to Auto-Actions in the top menu.

  3. Choose the Opportunity Type from the drop-down box.

  4. Highlight the Status where the action should occur.

  5. Click the + button next to the Status header.

  6. The Edit Auto-Action window will open. Choose the Action Type from the drop down box. There are three choices:

    • Email

    • Task Template

    • SMS

If Email is selected, enter the following details:

You can select one of the following:

  • User. This is the Mercury account which has made the Status Change on the record.

  • Loan Writer. This is the listed Advisor on the Opportunity record.

  • Person Acting. This is the listed Admin on the Opportunity record.

  • A specific Mercury account from your group. They do not need to be linked to the Opportunity record.

    • Typically this will be the Applicants, however you can also use this to send an email to the listed Advisor/Admin.

  • Cc/BCC.

  • Email body. To use an existing email template click Choose Email Template. Learn about email templates.

  • If you update the template, you will need to come back and update the Email Body as it does not automatically update.

  • Tick the Active checkbox to activate the Auto Action.

If SMS is selected, enter the following details:

  • From. Who the SMS will be sent from.

  • To. Who the SMS will be sent to.

  • Insert Tag. Tags will personalise the message, populating details from your records.

  • Enter the message details.

  • Tick the Active checkbox to activate the Auto Action.

If Task Template is selected:

  • Use the Search Task Templates button to select the template you wish to use. The actions associated with display in the Templates Comments section. Learn about creating task templates.

  • Tick the Active checkbox to activate the Auto Action.

Note: Auto-Actions assigned to the initial status of Lead will not generate on creation of new Opportunity records. The Auto-Actions will only be triggered on a change of status.

You will need to log out of Mercury Nexus for these changes to take effect.

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