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Digital Marketing Hub - Contact Data
Identify contacts not assigned to DMH or to categories
Identify contacts not assigned to DMH or to categories
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to check if your contacts are not assigned to Digital Marketing Hub (DMH) categories, and therefore missing out on receiving important communications from you.

  1. Contacts who don’t have the DMH check box selected

  2. Contacts who are assigned to specific MM categories in Mercury Nexus

Below are detailed instructions on how to identify these contacts in both scenarios.

1. To identify contacts who have not been assigned to DMH:

  1. In Mercury Nexus CRM, navigate to the ‘People’ tab on the left-hand menu

  2. Click 'Add Filter'


  3. Click the dropdown box and select DMH

  4. Then select False


You should now see a filtered list of contacts that do not have DMH ticked.

2. To identify contacts who have been added to MM categories:

You will need to filter each of the categories separately to ensure you do not miss any contacts.

  1. In Mercury Nexus CRM, navigate to the ‘People’ tab on the left-hand menu

  2. Click the Categories field and select the Category of your choice from the drop-down list.


Now that you have a list of contacts not currently assigned to the DMH checkbox or MM categories, you can easily select which clients you’d like to assign to specific categories and therefore receive communications sent from your Digital Marketing Hub account. Refer to the article: Assigning Categories in Mercury to assign contacts to the appropriate categories.

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