Adding properties to Property Hub Watchlist
Updated over a week ago

With Property Hub in Connective Property Tools, you can easily add properties to your watchlist to receive notifications when there is relevant market activity such as listings or sales occur. That means you can get your foot in the door and ask your customers if they need finance on their next property.

You have an option to add to your watchlist one property at a time or in bulk via CSV upload.

First, prepare the addresses to be uploaded in a CSV file. You can download your customers' property addresses from Mercury Nexus.

How to download your addresses from Mercury Nexus to CSV

  1. Login to Mercury Nexus

  2. Click on the CRM tile


  3. In your CRM Dashboard, navigate the left side menu and click on Reports


  4. Click on Custom Report


  5. This is where you'll find the master list for your addresses. Click on Download Report to download

  6. This will produce an Excel spreadsheet with your client names and addresses

  7. We will only need the addresses to upload for our watchlist so we have to remove ClientName and ClientEmail columns. Delete the first two columns in the spreadsheet.

  8. To upload the file, it needs to be a CSV file

    • In Excel, click on File in the top left corner of the menu

    • Click on Save As

    • Change the file type to .csv

    • Click on Save

Now that you have the CSV file for the property addresses, you can now upload it to Property Hub.

How to upload addresses to Property Hub watchlist in bulk via CSV

  1. Log in to Property Hub

  2. On the top menu of the Property Hub dashboard, click on Watchlist

  3. Select the Favourites list you'd like to upload these properties to

  4. In the Watchlist dashboard, click on the Upload File button
    **If your Upload File button does not appear or is not clickable, you need to search for an individual property and select Watch. This will then allow you to bulk upload a CSV file from the Watchlist dashboard.

  5. This opens your File Manager window. Locate your CSV file for the addresses and click on Open

  6. Once uploaded, you will get this message on the top right of the page


You can also add a property to your watchlist one at a time.

  1. Search for the property in the Property Hub dashboard

  2. Click on the

  3. Select the Favourites list you'd like to save this property to

  4. Once added, you will get this message on the top right of the page

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