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Mercury Nexus
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Navigating the Mercury Nexus platform
Navigating the Mercury Nexus platform
Updated over a week ago

Every aspect of Mercury Nexus is designed to save you time, including how you navigate the platform and save your data.

How do I navigate Mercury Nexus?

All records (People, Opportunities, Tasks, Calculators, etc) across the Mercury Nexus applications generate a new and separate tab when they are opened or created.

We call this the tabbed interface. The tabbed interface enables you to have multiple records open at once, allowing you to easily manage and navigate files without having to open and close windows.

How do I save my data?

Mercury Nexus saves your data automatically as you go, so you don't have to remember to hit the save button while you're busy do your work. Simply close the tab when you are finished and everything is saved and ready for you when you return.

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