How do I access the Digital Property Reports?
Updated over a week ago

Digital Property Reports is an interactive version of the Property Reports.

Instead of a PDF copy of the Property Report, you may provide your client with a URL to access the Digital Property Report online. The link to the Digital Property Report is active for 30 days and can be read on any mobile device that is connected to the internet. In comparison to the Property Report, the Digital Property Report provides a more dynamic experience and displays more property information.

Here's how you can access the Digital Property Reports.

  1. Log in to Property Hub

  2. Search for the property in the Property Hub dashboard

  3. Click on the "Order" button

  4. Select "Digital Property Report" and click on "Next"

  5. Fill in the below fields

  6. Click on "Next" to complete.


Your client will receive an email with the link to the Digital Property Report which will look something like the one below:


To find your Digital Property Reports, click on "My Orders" on your top Menu.

Select the Digital Property Profiler Reports Tab to show the list of all your Digital Property Reports.

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